Valentines Day

Published February 16, 2015 by thatstrangegirls


So as I am sure you are all VERY aware of, a few days ago it was Valentines day. As this was technically my third Valentines ever, it still meant quite a lot.

I knew he didn’t have a lot of money to spend on me for Valentines day and I wasn’t that bothered. As long as we could meet up I was happy. I bought him a box full of Malteasers (his favourite) and a card. His present was actually really thoughtful – he’d gotten me about seven boxes of various herbal teas (I am obsessed) and had drawn out little pictures with messages on them. I think my favourite was a drawing of a ring. He’d simply written ‘I like it.’ I loved and still do love the present.

However, I was mildly confused where the money come from. I was aware he had very little money so how he’d been able to buy seven boxes of tea was beyond me. (Tea can vary in Holland and Barrett from £2 to £5 each). Later on in the day, it was revealed to me accidentally that my Mum had paid for the tea. It was all entirely his idea and he picked everything out – she just paid for it.

To be honest, I know this would definitely bother some people. ‘Why didn’t he/she spend money on me? Am I not worth it?’ But to be honest, I’m just happy I got to see him that day. The new teas were just a really thoughtful-yet-awesome bonus. We spent the rest of Valentines goofing around in my bedroom playing stupid games and chatting. It was really nice.

We then spent the following Monday (today) in Worthing Town, just us two. He’d managed to get £20 pounds off of his Mum to pay for the day. It was a really fun day that involved being nearly Mauled by seagulls (again), eating an extortionate amount of tea, meeting and helping lost Spanish exchange students, exploring shops and sitting on the beach. It was really fun and as much as I love meeting up with my friends, it was nice to meet up just with him and goof around. We didn’t have to cater to a lot of people’s wishes so we could do what we want. Sure it wasn’t exactly fancy with Mcdonalds for lunch but hey, we’re happy. That is all that matters!

We got there super early at 10 so by 12 we had done everything we needed to do. The weather was also cold and suddenly threatened to rain.

We headed back to my Mum’s workshop and hung around there until she was done so she could give me a lift back. (His bike was literally two minutes away so it made sense for him to hang around). She didn’t mind too much either which was an added bonus.

Well, that was my Valentines day. We don’t make a big deal out of it as our anniversary is next month… he has no idea what i’m doing for it! Somehow i’m not convinced he’s sure what he’s doing either. But, only time will tell.

Until next time,

Megan Stapleton

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