
All posts for the month February, 2013

My first Valentines

Published February 20, 2013 by thatstrangegirls


First of all, I am gonna apologize for how long it took for this blog to be up! My laptop recently died and was only resurrected by my IT-expert of a father. YAY INTERNET.

Anyway, back on topic. Valentines was pretty low-key. I gave him malteasers and a huge card (I don’t know what boys like!), and he gave me these really pretty purple flowers and a box of chocolate. We didn’t make a big deal out of Valentines as we both agreed it was over-commercialized. Plus, our year anniversary isn’t far off, so we’re focusing more on that! But I was surprised by how happy I was over flowers. I’ve never been given flowers by a boy before, and the fact that they came from Him made the whole thing ten times better.  

One of his birthday presents turned up today! One down, one more to arrive! 

My Jack Frost hoodie should arrive soon, too!

I’ve recently gotten over a cold, and he’s recently gained one – from me, probably. I figured it’d cheer him up and go buy him flowers, and give them to him at his house. He jumped when he saw me, and looked really confused. However, I think he liked it. I think. 

It only occurred to me how silly this idea was when he opened the door, but I figured I may as well give them to him anyway. 

I went to science revision, and was pleasantly surprised by how fun it turned out to be. Lots of people turned up too. Our teacher handed out biscuits and even made us all a cup of tea. 

I bought John Green’s book The Fault In Our Stars after reading positive comments about it online, and it’s really good! I’m glad I bought it. I will definitely buy more of his books in the future.  

Well, that’s my life up to now.



My zombie-infested second date

Published February 12, 2013 by thatstrangegirls


So our second date was amazing… and bizarre. It happened on Sunday, and it was perfect.

After spending the day (naturally, as i’m a girl) freaking out over clothes, I decided on some casual clothes and tried to kill time. Eventually, he turned up at our door, looking as perfect as ever. We hung out at my house for an hour or so hoping that it would stop raining, but as we live in England, notorious for it’s rainy weather, it didn’t. If anything, it got worse. Luckily, He brought an umbrella for us to share as we walked to my mums car (she was giving us a lift to the show!)

The car drive was pretty uneventful. He sat up front with mum giving directions, and my brother and I sat in the back tickling each other, drawing on the fogged up windows and just in general acting like children. 

We got to the show eventually, with five minutes to spare. The university had random people whose faces had been painted to look like zombies dotted all over the place, helping  and giving directions to the room where the talk was going to happen. We paid and went in.

It was really crowded in the theater. Much more crowded than I thought it would be. The man in charge of the show was Theoretical Zombiologist, Doctor Austin. It was a really fun show with interactive bits, clips, and interesting bits of information. Him and I held hands throughout the show, and only let go to clap or to mimic some action that Doctor Austin made, such as his handwashing technique that helps keep your hands clean. The weirdest ones was the plunger… which looked dodgy. The funniness of the show really made me relax on the date and before I knew, it was over!

While we waited for my mum to come and pick us up, we both had a roll my mum made. He also had a drink. I’d of had one too, but I lost my straw (typical me!). We chatted a bit inside the entrance  while watching the rain, an slightly listening in on a bunch of goth kids complaining about some person, which we laughed about later.

Eventually, mum turned up and we clambered into the car. He nearly fell asleep in the car on my shoulder, and it was really cute! We told my mum about the show and chatted among ourselves a bit, the rain still splattering against the car. By this point, it’s around 8pm. 

He kissed me really softly, then went back to resting his head on my shoulder. I practically melted at this. He then looked up at me, caught my eye and smiled lazily, which made me melt internally even more (not literally, that would be dangerous!)

After what felt like seconds, we were outside his house. We kissed goodnight, then the date ended.

It was a perfect, random evening. It certainly put a star in my pot! 


I’m actually getting good grades

Published February 9, 2013 by thatstrangegirls


So recently, i’ve been doing tons of mock exams, and controlled assessments that count towards my final grade. In my English Speaking and Listening, I got a B. In my Math exam, I got a D (This would sound bad to any body else, but in my last exam I got an E, so I actually improved a bit!) In a science mock, I got an A*, and in the exam based on my ISA (controlled assessment, basically) I got an A. I just have to do the actual practical and one more exam, and i’m all done! 

I’m uber happy at the moment. I have lots of books to read, and i’m trying to motivate myself to exercise and eat healthier to try and lose a bit of weight I gained around Christmas. I think it’ll be fun and will be something to kill time! 

I’m going on what will be my second ever date with Him tomorrow. We’re going to an ‘ interactive multi-media tutorial on the real science behind a disease outbreak’. It’s to do with zombies, and sounds like it’s gonna be really fun. I’m really looking forward to it, but i’m also sorta nervous – what if I mess up somehow? 

Jeez, I really thought i’d be over this by now! We’re nearly at our year anniversary for crying out loud! (I have all the stuff for his year present. It’s nothing too extravagant, but I think he’ll like it! I need to order his birthday stuff and then i’m all done! 
