
All posts tagged cut

Exams looming

Published February 28, 2015 by thatstrangegirls


So as I am sure you are all very aware, it is the end of February. Obviously. However, this month ending has meant it is just over 70 days until my first AS level exam (psychology unit 1) and I am absolutely terrified.

It’s not the actual exam itself i’m worried about – i’m pretty happy with that topic in psychology. It’s just the idea of exams in general. I would hate to fail these exams and it is just stressing me out just thinking about them.

I revise one subject at least one hour a day but it isn’t really settling my nerves. If anything, it’s somehow making it worse. I often revise in the mornings so I can have the evenings to relax but I am considering starting to revise in the evenings too now…

I even have my practice ISA next week.  That’s right, PRACTICE ISA. The ISAs used to be so easy and predictable but now you actually have to revise for the papers that they come with as well as performing the practical perfectly. This is gonna be a nightmare.

Well, to relieve my anxieties and stress I met up with a bunch of my friends today and had a meet up. This particular group was a mix of ages ranging from year 11-13 and it was honestly really fun. We sat on a far too small sofa and watched movies including Toy Story 3, Monsters Inc, A small part of Jesus Camp before we all got freaked out and Shark Boy and Lava Girl.

We’re all teenagers, I promise. We also sat and ate a lot of food including vegan nachos, pizza and birthday cake. The food didn’t last too long as there were about seven of us there though! Therefore it isn’t too bad. We made fun of each of the movies we watched, threw shoes at each other and argued over what to watch.

I also got my hair trimmed again! Instead of looking like a slightly deformed pineapple my hair now looks like it’s supposed to! I’m so happy. I really have grown to love this and I will probably keep my hair pixie style for a little while.

Well, I guess we shall have to see what next month brings!

Until Next Time,


The Big Cut

Published January 3, 2015 by thatstrangegirls


So as I have previously mentioned, I have been planning to cut off a large amount of my hair for quite some time now for a charity called Locks of Love. Today was the day of the cut!

At 11:30 Mum and I rode into town in the car, realised the salon was shut and went and bought some drinks from a corner shop. When we returned, the Salon was open and we could go in. As I walked through the door I was immediately approached by a lady who asked to take my coat.I was then seated in a chair and asked by another lady what hairstyle I was aiming for and the length I was after.

Shortly after, a photographer for our local newspaper (The Lancing Herald) arrived and told me to pull some rather strange poses for the newspaper. Once he was done, I was told to sit back in the chair and my hair dressers set to work putting my hair into mini pony tails (Apparently the hair cut I wanted meant that the hair couldn’t all be grouped together and just chopped off as it would damage my hair and the scissors. It would later be grouped together into a bigger ponytail). Once the pony tails were all done, a few more photographs were taken and then the actual cutting started.

I have to say, it is a rather scary sight to see the hair you’ve not had cut since eight years of age being snipped off. I didn’t mind too much though – I was too excited about what the hair cut was gonna look like! I was slightly scared that it wasn’t going to suit me.

After all the pony tails were cut off, I had my hair washed, deep conditioned and then dried. It was then styled. The actual styling was probably the longest part of the whole process. My hair was snipped at for at least fourty minutes until my stylist was happy with it, where it was then straightened and had some gel added to it to help style it.

The final photographs were taken by my mother, the owner of the salon and the photographer, and I couldn’t stop grinning at everyone. I was so happy and still am so ecstatic about my hair. I love it. It will certainly take some getting used to but i’m happy to play with it and try and figure out how to style it.

I said goodbye to everyone at the Salon and then left, into the pouring rain.

Later that day I had a bath (I went into Brighton for my friend Sophie’s birthday. While in Lush, I purchased some dirty hair cream for styling and a charity hand cream, and as I was telling the cashier about the donation she let me have a free bath bomb.) and found that I over estimated how much shampoo and conditioner i needed greatly – this is going to take some getting used to.

As I said, I love my hair. I should be sending off the money (over £120 pounds!) off and the hair next week Tuesday or Wednesday.I have already thanked everyone who helped me raise all the money but I would like to thank them again. Thank you to my tutor for helping me organise everything, baking things for bake sales and raffling off chocolate. Thank you to all the pupils that donated and bought the bake sale stuff, and thank you to the staff at the Spa in Lancing for doing my hair for free!

Well, until next time!

-Megan Stapleton.

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