
All posts tagged donor

I became an organ donor!

Published February 2, 2015 by thatstrangegirls


So as you probably guessed from the title, I am now officially an organ donor. For those who don’t know, this means that when I die, all of my organs that are usable can potentially be used to save the life of someone else. The idea of that just really appeals to me.

Thing is with signing up is it’s pretty much up to you what you want to donate and keep. Want to donate your heart but not your lungs? You can sign up for that. That means when you die if your heart is usable and someone needs it, it can save a life. For free. It’s actually surprisingly easy too!

For me i’m not overly attached to any of my organs specifically so when I die, anything can be used. But it may be different for others. For those interested in signing up or just want to know more about it, there is more information here.

Don’t get me wrong, i’m not exactly rushing out to go die. I’m only sixteen years old for crying out loud! But I WILL die one day. Unless the Egyptians had it right, I doubt i’ll need my organs when I pass on. Someone else more deserving than me will need them more. Plus, who knows! Maybe they’ll go on to do something great with their lives too. (Someone may even be reading this in the far distant future that has one or more of my organs. If you are reading this – hello!)

Well, until next time!

-Megan Stapleton

My card!

My card!