
All posts tagged ew

camping with family, bandaged toes and Tetanus jabs

Published August 31, 2012 by thatstrangegirls


I’ve had a pretty hectic time since my last blog.. I guess i’ll tell you about it!

I went camping at a camping site in Alton with my cousins… seems like a good place to start! It took five hours to get there, but i’d say it was worth it! It was a pleasant few days that involved barbecues, exploring, talking about Minecraft, pub lunches, talking about Minecraft, rain and… talking about Minecraft! On the first night, it rained heavily and I honestly thought my cousins and family would abandon their tents and go sit in the Motorhome with us… Kudos to them for not, and sticking it out!

It felt like we were inside a giant metal drum, so god knows what it sounded like with their tent. They only stayed one day but it was really nice 🙂 after they left, we stayed for the rest of the day (they left midday) and then left the following lunch time. I had a nice time watching the Reading festival concert with dad and Nathan.

We stayed at dad’s until yesterday. Yesterday was.. interesting, to say the least! I found my Ipod charger lead that i’d been looking for.. but lost my iPod down in the space with the plug sockets. I found my bracelet from Him, but he’s acting weird.

I ran down the stairs yesterday, tripped over my own feet and crashed all the way down onto dad’s wooden floor… ripping all the skin on my big toe off and covering myself in blood in the process! Yeah.. not nice. It hurt like hell to even touch I had my foot bandaged up today at out local doctors surgery… they also gave me my Tetanus jab to be safe. (I’m terrified of needles)

Yeah… not fun. Well that’s my life recently!
