
All posts tagged Nemo

Science Award and Nemo

Published December 13, 2013 by thatstrangegirls


So recently I was nominated for a KS3 Science Curriculum Award. And on Wednesday… I was given it!

Wednesday was a busy day. First a mock exam first period, then the rest of the school day, then after school I was invited by my Sociology teacher to join in her Masterclass (it’s meant to be A level debating with a specific question in mind, that is used in all the humanities. Our question was ‘should feminism be replaces with masculinism?’. Each subject was oriented around that, and it was a lot of fun. I had a lot of free food too!), home for dinner, and then the awards ceremony.

The actual ceremony was fairly painless. I was sat in a seat at the front with the rest of the nominees. The audience were in chairs facing this massive stage that contained a table full of certificates and trophy’s. The person giving out the awards was Alison Lapper, a local disabled artist who paints with her mouth and feet. She was really nice and friendly.

However, my baby sister was especially noisy that night, and it actually got to the point where mum, my brother and my baby sister had to leave and go home as she was getting grumpy – and I hadn’t even been given my award yet. It was pretty boring after that as I didn’t even have anyone there to watch me get it.

The actual award was a certificate and a Waterstones voucher… perfect prize if you ask me. Most of the people that were given prizes didn’t even like reading, so I found that oddly funny.

In other news, one of my cats, Nemo, was put to sleep on Thursday. I was at school. I didn’t even know. 

My cat was suffering from quite a lot. The poor thing was 10 years old, had diabetes, was depressed and anorexic. It wasn’t a good time for him. But it still hurt. I’m going to miss the little guy a lot. We still have his sister but it isn’t the same.

Oh well.

Until next time.