
All posts tagged 16th

National Citizen Service

Published April 10, 2014 by thatstrangegirls


So we have broken up for the Easter holidays. We have two weeks off that should be spent eating chocolate, watching movies and having fun. What am I doing, you ask? I am spending most of my holidays at school, at revision sessions. Each session lasts 2 hours, and there are three a day, plus an hour for lunch. I’ve been there monday-wednesday this week, and next week I am there Tuesday-Thursday. How fun. 

Actually, the sessions themselves aren’t that bad. The teachers often bring sweets, they try to make it fun too with little activities and it’s not a bad way to see friends pretty much every day. However, we have to sign in an out for every single session individually and some of the people that turn up to the revision sessions just to mess around and not to actually revise… are not people I’d like to see during my supposed week off. 

I did have a weekend off last week where I went to go see my cousins in Derby, Ethan and Dylan. It was nice to see the family. We didn’t really do anything so it was boring in that aspect. However I like my family – even if they were using gamer terms I didn’t really understand for most of the weekend. Tomorrow I might be going camping too with my father and brother. Most of it will spent revising though, which isn’t that fun. 

People tell me i’m revising too much – an hour a day during the week and two hours during the weekend, with the exception of revision sessions where I am pretty much revising for six hours. However my exams are NEXT MONTH. My first one I believe is on the 14th of May – i’m just over a month away from that. Honestly, i’m terrified for my exams. I feel so under prepared. On the way up to Derby I revised in the car for just over an hour, and an hour on the way back. I then got home and watched a few revision videos. It’s not like I don’t go outside and meet up with friends, or go on other websites that aren’t revision related. However, I often have revision videos in the background. 

I was going to go prom dress shopping with my Mother this Easter holidays. I originally wanted to go last month but Mum said to hold fire until next month as most dresses weren’t even in shops. I figured this was fair enough and waited..and waited… and waited! Now it’s the actual holidays, I have to wait until the end of the month to know if I can go. If I do go it’ll practically be the day before my exams, which will probably stress me out more than anything. I know I sound somewhat spoiled.. but I was really looking forward to prom dress shopping. All the other girls who are going in my year have one and I don’t. I’m not just saying that either, pretty much everyone I know has their dress. I guess I just feel a bit let down is all. 

I signed up for something called NCS – National Citizen Service. It’s a bit similar to the University Summer School at Sussex University as it’s a week without parents and I get to experience life without them to pick up after me – however this time it’s longer than a week. There are three sessions – for the first one it’s five days where I am staying on a campus and get to do team building things and in general doing fun things, such as zip lining. The second one is a few days after, the team I got to know on the team building days and I get together again to come up with a project to help give back to the community. After that, we have 30 hours to implement it. At the end of it we get a signed certificate from David Cameron. It sounded like a lot of fun. It’s in August, and I honestly cannot wait.

I also ‘officially’ got accepted into the Academy on a conditional acceptance (I get the required grades, blah blah blah) I’m super happy! I knew I had been accepted as they told me in the interview. But there is a difference between told it in person, and getting it formally written down and pretty much guaranteeing me a place. 

He and I are doing really well – nothing bad has happened between us and we seen happy as ever. 


This year is certainly looking more and more interesting. Prom, Year books, A day in London for my 16th birthday, actually turning 16, NCS, GCSE results and college. 

 Until next time!



Published March 25, 2014 by thatstrangegirls


So yesterday was His 16th birthday. We had a school day, but after school I took a big bag full of presents and put them into His Mum’s car. We then travelled back to his home, making small talk on the way there. 

We arrived at his house, got changed out of uniform and sat in his living room. The presents and cards that He had gotten from everyone were laid out almost artistically, with a lit cake in the background. He opened his cards first. Most cards were silly and full of Star Wars references. They also mostly contained money – he easily got £150 pounds in total, plus vouchers. He’d read the front and interior of the card, smile and then put any possible money or vouchers back into the card so he could write thank you notes later. 

Then he moved onto the presents next. The highlights of the presents he got included a Shakespeare’s Star Wars novel (obviously he didn’t write it, but it was written in the same writing style), an Assassins Creed Necklace and a game called Fall Out 3, which he was very pleased about. 

He opened my presents last, and went smallest to biggest. I had gotten him Ready Player One (novel about being trapped in a video game world), Starfish (novel he was after), A Captain America poster and… a box full of 24 cans of Aether Cola. If you don’t know what Aether Cola is, it’s clear cola that is in a really interesting can, that He is slightly obsessed with. I only meant to order 5 but my Mum ordered 12, and 12 came free. He seemed to really like his presents from me (I hope so anyway) and hugged me afterwards. We then retired to His bedroom and watched two movies i’d never seen – Jurassic Park 2 and Nightmare Before Christmas. Half way through Nightmare Before Christmas, we paused the movie to go get dinner. Dinner was massive home made burgers, chips, salad and gherkins, and there was a small slice of birthday cake for afters. It was very nice!

I thoroughly enjoyed the entire evening, and I genuinely hope he did too. He seemed to, at least. It’s weird Him being 16 and me 15 – I feel a lot younger even though there is only three months difference between us. Oh well.

Today, I had my college interview for my schools sixth form, which I really want to go to. The actual interview was scheduled for 11am, but because they were running ahead of schedule they brought me in at 10:30. Slightly, panicky but it went really well. The one subject I was worried about – maths – was the sort of be all or end all for me. I was freaking out over the fact that if I didn’t get a C in maths that I wouldn’t be able to do my courses and i’d basically fail my entire life. (Strange thought process when thought about in retrospect but I was nervous and panicking!) However the interviewer reassured me that I could do my courses even if I don’t get a C as i’m apparently an ‘articulate and hard working student who works hard’. The deal was that if I don’t get a C in maths, I drop English Language A level and do maths instead. Then once I have my maths, I can do English Language to AS level. 

I thought it was a fair deal, so I accepted… and I have a place! I have a place at my choice of college! I’m so happy. Originally I wanted to go to a different college, but after some careful consideration I changed my mind. I feel like i’ll be happier at my current schools sixth form. 

The interview just went so unbelievably well. I can’t believe I have a place at two colleges. It might not seem like a big deal, but my entire career choice rides on me picking the right A levels. Not just any thing. 

Tomorrow my entire school gets a day off, except for my year and up due to exams due to a teachers strike. I’m basically going in for Gym, revision and revision. Not fun. 

It’s our two years on Friday! And it is mothers day on Sunday. This week is going to be interesting… 

Until next time!
