
All posts tagged revision

Back From The Dead

Published December 5, 2015 by thatstrangegirls


So I haven’t been posting about the last few months because an extortionate amount of things have happened recently. I felt so overwhelmed by everything – good and bad that I didn’t find time to also blog about it!

So, what has happened recently?

  1. I am consistently getting Bs and even As in some of my classes in tests! I know this sounds silly but considering how awful my results were, it cheers me up somewhat to know I might be able to fix it.
  2. My UCAS application has officially been sent off! I might hear from universities in the new year and the prospect of that is both exciting and terrifying at the same time. Like what do I do if I don’t get an offer from any university?! What do I do if I do?! It’s all this bit daunting future that makes me crave my younger years rather a lot. Seems safer in a way but more boring too.
  3. We’re getting a puppy! That’s right, December 21st the Stapleton-Bray household are receiving a small pomeranian cross puppy called Comet. In a way it’s rather my fault we’re getting him as a result of some bad stuff that i’ll talk about further on. My Mum started looking at puppy photos to send me to cheer me up and ended up with her looking at actual puppies… and that’s how Comet living with us came to be! We’re very excited and the owner even gave us an advent calendar with ‘Count down to Comet’ written on it, which I think is super sweet.
  4. I got work experience in a neonatal baby unit! In October I got to work in the Trevor Mann Baby Unit in Brighton as part of my health and social course work. The entire work was entirely observational as i’m not qualified really to do any serious work (although I did get to hold a baby’s head as she was having a brain scan!) and the staff were lovely too! I learnt so much from the experience such as what causes Jaundice, what the different symbols on the monitors mean and how to treat different diseases. It was easily a highlight of my whole year and definitely went on my personal statement.
  5. I saw Danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil live in Brighton! On Halloween a friend and I went to go see their tour while we were dressed up as zombies. It was an amazing experience filled with singing, nerdy references and serious laughs. I wish I could relive that whole night again!
  6. I also got a Christmas Job! I had an interview on the phone with a lovely lady about a job as a stock room assistant at Debenhams in Worthing. I passed that interview, had an interview in person and have currently have had five shifts and loved all of it! It’s actually quite fun to do ‘picks’ and ‘access’ and the staff are also nice too (even if I got told the children’s section was haunted and that I managed to faceplant in front of customers today!)
  7. Comic Con was a thing that happened! In October, he and I went to London Mcm Comic Con and spent the day buying merchandise, meeting cool people such as Tomska and his creators and we saw a ton of cosplayers. I bought many weird and wonderful things from Pop Vinyl’s to a plushie blue alpaca. However, the ride home was less fun as He had a panic attack causing us to miss many trains (not that i’m blaming him!) This caused our parents to think we’d died as we didn’t message straight away and caused this mass hysteria. Luckily, it was resolved pretty quickly.
  8. We decorated the house for Christmas! Everything is covered in tinsel and covered in tacky Christmas stuff and I love it. Makes me feel so festive. I even made Christmas cookies with my little sister today in the shape of festive jumpers and bells. The music is also a constant in this house too! Yes, I also have bought presents and given out Christmas cards too.
  9. I was nominated for a psychology award! Despite not doing too well in one of the psych exams, my college has decided that I am worthy of an award for it! I’m actually really happy as i’ve been putting in a ton of work recently. We got a new teacher recently as the last one left on maternity leave and he seems to be having a positive effect on our whole class… hopefully it continues!
  10. That brings me onto the less great news…. the same day I passed my phone interview I was ecstatic and decided to celebrate by changing into PJs and watching a happy movie. However, this was cut short after He arrived at my house and broke up with me seemingly out of the blue. I mean, I had an inkling it would happen after accidentally reading some unsavoury messages he’d written to friends about another girl and myself… it was this huge mess that caused me to cry myself to sleep. It was awful – everyone was so kind and considerate but I was in serious pain. My Mother being the sweetheart she is, went out and bought me a ton of white chocolate, a milkshake and flowers as if it was her fault. That helped somewhat. Within a few hours of the breakup I started getting messages from Him asking to talk and that he was sorry… It was this huge mess I couldn’t deal with. Talking to him helped but also didn’t. However, I heard him out and decided to forgive him and give him another change (against the advice of practically everyone, ranging from my Mother to random boys at college. In a twisted way, it’s kind of fun to think about). Things are hard at the moment and he’s still talking to the other girl but i’m doing my best to try and let it go and fix things. It’s tough work and i’ve had 0 sleep but on the bright side, i’ve not cried recently. We’ll see how it goes – my friends are adamant i’m going to regret saying yes to him once again but who knows, maybe it’ll work out for the better.

Well, those are the main things that has happened to me recently!

Until next time,

Megan Stapleton

Exam Fever

Published May 23, 2015 by thatstrangegirls


So now it’s half term, most of my AS exams are over. I’m quite pleased to say most of them seem to have gone well! Biology unit 1 was a bit all over the place and sociology unit 2 took me a few minutes to get into the ‘grove’ of writing… but over all it’s been fairly positive. My last exam is the 1st of June.

The problem with doing exams is that every year I will get ill around exam period. Every year. Naturally this makes studying and actually writing the exams more difficult than it already is… but it seems to be on it’s way out now.

A few ‘events’ have gone on during my few exams that have made them more interesting over all. For sociology unit 2 I had a ridiculously runny nose. I asked this older invigilator for a tissue. He gave me a funny look before walking off and bringing me a writing booklet. ‘Booklet?’ he asked. ‘No, can I have a tissue please?’ was my reply. He then proceeded to try and shove the booklet into my hands, still saying ‘booklet?’ It took a few minutes but he eventually figured out what I said and I finally got a tissue.

The second ‘event’ that occurred was in my biology unit 1 exam. Before the exam started, this girl asked if we could have the clock we were using moved up higher so she could see it. The invigilator complied, moving the clock up. Just before the start of the exam, said clock proceeded to fall off the wall, smashing onto the floor. When this was placed back on the wall, it was noticed the hands on the clock were no longer working. This elderly female invigilator then went to go get the same male invigilator from earlier that morning in sociology. She got him to fix the clock. Meanwhile, to us she said ‘It’s all well and good being a feminist until you need  man to change your tyre at the side of the road!’ before chuckling to herself. It was honestly, bizarre. However, it put everyone at ease before the exam due to laughing so it may have been somewhat beneficial.

I don’t know if this is true in all colleges/sixth forms, but i’ve found at AS the invigilators are a lot nicer and more relaxed than they ever were at GCSE. The invigilators actually smile at us when we pass in the corridor now instead of staring past.

In other news, Ireland had a referendum and approved gay marriage! Go Ireland!

Well, hopefully unit 2 biology goes well! I’ve got the rest of half term to study then i’ve got the exam..

until next time!

Harry Potter World Two Days Before My Maths Exam – Not My Best Idea

Published June 7, 2014 by thatstrangegirls


So if you couldn’t guess by the title, I went to Harry Potter World today, with one of my best friends. It was a treat for her birthday and she invited me – I feel so lucky! Her Mum and sister drove us all the way to Warner Brother Studios in London and us two went on a tour around Harry Potter World. It was everything I wanted and more!

The day started at 4am for me, where I was woken up by thundery weather and lightening. After walking off a dead foot, I managed to sleep until seven. I got up, had breakfast and got ready for the day – I was really excited. As a way to kill time waiting for my train, I revised for my Maths exam.

Finally the time to get on the train arrived, I got onto the train, said good bye to Dad and off I went back to where my Mum’s home is. The train was super packed, so it was difficult to read through my revision guide without being elbowed by someone every few minutes.

Finally I arrived at the right station and was picked up my my mother. We picked up my stuff, and waited for my friend and her Mum to arrive. When they arrived, I said goodbye to my mum and sister and once again, off I went. I’d never met her mother before so it was definitely a good chance to get to know her – and she’s lovely! Her elder sister came with us too.

The drive to Harry Potter World took three hours. These three hours passed really quickly through singing along to songs from Rock of Ages and other more summery music, pulling silly faces at each other, and general chatter. We also had some sweets shared between the four of us. The stormy weather we’d had in the morning had completely vanished and was now replaced with really hot almost humid weather.

We arrived in what felt like no time at all. However our tour didn’t start for half an hour, so we tucked into the massive bag of food her mother had brought. Once the time for the tour dawned closer, we practically leapt out of the car and ran to the entrance. We were both buzzing with excitement. The outside of the building has giant Harry Potter posters outside of them from the last movie that only highlighted our excitement. Inside the building was gobsmacking. There were more giant posters, the car used in the flying car scene was hung from the roof, there was a little cafe… and a massive queue of people. And I mean MASSIVE!

Once we had our tickets checked, we joined the queue for the tour around the building. While we were waiting, we could look at and take pictures of the set up of the stairs Harry lived under while at the Dudley’s with the glasses he actually wore, as well as read some inspirational quotes about JK Rowling and the cast.

Finally, the doors open and an ocean of people flooded – us two included – to a dark room in the room over. The room was surrounded with screens with different Harry Potter posters that faded into different pictures. They were posters from different countries.

Once the door was shut, a clip played that showed the impact Harry Potter had on the world. It was actually a really nice video to watch, and cheerful. We were then guided to a another room which was reminiscent of a cinema, where a video about the making of Harry Potter played – and how none of it was possible without the work of the cast. The video only lasted ten minutes at most.

Once that was over, we went to the set of the Great Hall, where a tour guide talked us through the different costumes on display, what they all meant, what certain props were and what they did, and why they were needed in the first place. The tour guide then opened the door to a massive hall full of props, costumes and other things and said we were free to explore and take as many pictures as we would like.

This hall was… massive. Every nook and cranny was careful built to show off every aspect of the films and books. There were sets of everything from the Weasley’s kitchen to Potions classes. It was amazing. It took us an hour to work our way through the massive hall; taking everything in.

We then found our way outside. The sun was shining, and we were both enjoying ourselves hugely. We both queued up to buy a mug of non-alcoholic butterbeer. We were slightly anxious as lots of people didn’t like it, but we both found that we liked it hugely. However, it was still a good idea to share one between us as the drink is very sweet and sickly. My friend said I could keep the mug as a souvenir, so I held onto it until I could wash it out at the end.

We also explored the Midnight Bus, saw Tom Riddle’s grave and saw the front of Dudley’s home. After we were done exploring outside, we went back inside to investigate the second half of the tour. This half was very heavily about the concept art, the making of the movie, the props and the costumes. However, it was still just as enjoyable.

Finally, we found our way to the gift shop. Even if we managed to momentarily get separated, we bought our things and headed out, back to the car. The Journey home was must quicker than the one there, and I was on a train and back at dads within a matter of hours. While on the train, I did have a minor panic attack when I saw a sign for Chichester university just as the train doors was closing. I thought I missed my stop while revising on the way home – but luckily the stop after that was my stop, and I got home without incident.

All in all, the day was fun, and different. While the timing isn’t exactly great (my maths exam is Monday, which just happens to be my worst subject), the day was definitely one I would repeat again. I feel so lucky and thankful that my friend invited me to go on this with her, and I definitely owe her one.

To make up for me not revising all day, He is coming over to my Dad’s house to help me revise for Monday’s exam. He’s also meeting my Dad properly for the first time, and staying for dinner. This could be interesting..

Until next time!




Half term

Published May 23, 2014 by thatstrangegirls


So the month is drawing to an end, and quite a bit has happened. 

I’ve completed exams for biology, chemistry, physics, english literature unit 1 & 2, History of Medicine, Nazi Germany and Sociology Unit 1 & 2. It’s great. I no longer have to go to the lessons for these subjects meaning that more often than not I get to sleep in while everyone else leaves. Or, I get to go home early.   and none of the exams were especially difficult outside of science. I thought chemistry was my worst science but according to how I felt when walking out of the exam, it might just be my best. Physics.. we’ll see. It went better than biology I reckon, but not by much. 

However, I still have exams for English Language, History of Surgery, Maths calculator + non calculator and Film Studies – which has two papers. I’m getting through them though! The only exams I have left that i’m worried about are, predictably, maths. However i’ve improved! Before Christmas I was an E- student. Now i’m three marks off of a C. Just need to work on getting onto a steady C. I’m getting more confident though.

Now it’s half term. I have just over a week and i’m determined to not spend ALL of it revising. Maybe half of it. But i’m also going to try and have some fun and catch up on some of the books that have been slowly multiplying in the box under my bed. Should be good. 

On bank holiday monday I could potentially go shopping for my prom dress! I’m super excited. The place i’m (hopefully) getting it is called Para Siempre and it’s based in Portsmouth. If it’s not open I might go at the weekend instead. Either way, i’m happy. I’ve been waiting for this for months and it’s so close. I have two hundred pounds to spend and I intend to use it wisely! 

It was my little brother Nathan’s birthday this month. He turned fourteen. It’s weird to imagine him as fourteen years old.. I guess I still picture him as my annoying seven year old brother? Oh well. It was a fairly quiet birthday as it was a school day (unlucky.) however after school we went over to a lady called Julie’s house. She unveiled my brother’s Thor themed birthday cake – and it tasted as good as it looked! It was a Thor hammer with his name inscribed into it. It also had a Captain America shield and a Hulk fist punching through next to it.  He seemed to enjoy the heavily Thor and Science themed birthday. Some of the highlights of the presents included a telescope, a metal detector and a large collection of new Minecraft and Marvel themed posters. 

Recently, we went to Brooklands park with my brother, sister, Mum, Him and I. It was a ridiculously hot day that led to me getting sunburnt shoulders, but in the grand scheme of things it was worth going. We all played with my sister in the park and sat by/jumped into the paddling pool. Half way through the day He and I split off from the main group and go sit on a nearby bench, near the main pond. Being the random person he is, he creates an entire Eastenders-Esq story line for each of the ducks that led to us both in laughing fits.

Overall, this month has been very positive. I’m looking forward to finishing my exams for good though!

Until next time,


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Exams are looming

Published May 1, 2014 by thatstrangegirls


So my first exam is arriving very quickly – it’s less than two weeks away. At least it’s an easy exam (biology) to ease me into it. I’m actually really nervous about my exams, and have been getting so stressed about it. All this revision is killing me! At least they’ll be over by my birthday…

So last weekend I went out with some friends into Worthing. It started with a small group of us – but we met up with others as the day progressed. 

Even though the weather was forecasted to be horribly moody and rainy, it wasn’t actually. It was even close to warm. 

We got the train into town and headed straight for KFC. We spent the rest of the day exploring different shops, being silly and taking pictures…  even if they are really, really blurry. It was really fun – even when He started complaining about the ‘girly’ shops. He did apologise later on. The day seemed to end waaay too quickly, and my friend Rhiannon insisted on getting on the train with me, and walking me home. Probably a good call on her part, as i’d have most likely gotten lost. Ah well. We’re heading out into town this weekend just before exams start to have a bit of fun before we really do have to buckle down. I’ll probably revise for two hours afterwards, anyway. 

This time next week, I will have graduated from high school. That is quite frankly, terrifying. Where did the time go?! How am I nearly out of high school?! It seems unfair, almost. Oh well. 

I get my prom dress soon! It’s official – i’m getting it during the half term sort of in between exams. Bad timing really but i’ll make up for it with revision. 

Until next time!




National Citizen Service

Published April 10, 2014 by thatstrangegirls


So we have broken up for the Easter holidays. We have two weeks off that should be spent eating chocolate, watching movies and having fun. What am I doing, you ask? I am spending most of my holidays at school, at revision sessions. Each session lasts 2 hours, and there are three a day, plus an hour for lunch. I’ve been there monday-wednesday this week, and next week I am there Tuesday-Thursday. How fun. 

Actually, the sessions themselves aren’t that bad. The teachers often bring sweets, they try to make it fun too with little activities and it’s not a bad way to see friends pretty much every day. However, we have to sign in an out for every single session individually and some of the people that turn up to the revision sessions just to mess around and not to actually revise… are not people I’d like to see during my supposed week off. 

I did have a weekend off last week where I went to go see my cousins in Derby, Ethan and Dylan. It was nice to see the family. We didn’t really do anything so it was boring in that aspect. However I like my family – even if they were using gamer terms I didn’t really understand for most of the weekend. Tomorrow I might be going camping too with my father and brother. Most of it will spent revising though, which isn’t that fun. 

People tell me i’m revising too much – an hour a day during the week and two hours during the weekend, with the exception of revision sessions where I am pretty much revising for six hours. However my exams are NEXT MONTH. My first one I believe is on the 14th of May – i’m just over a month away from that. Honestly, i’m terrified for my exams. I feel so under prepared. On the way up to Derby I revised in the car for just over an hour, and an hour on the way back. I then got home and watched a few revision videos. It’s not like I don’t go outside and meet up with friends, or go on other websites that aren’t revision related. However, I often have revision videos in the background. 

I was going to go prom dress shopping with my Mother this Easter holidays. I originally wanted to go last month but Mum said to hold fire until next month as most dresses weren’t even in shops. I figured this was fair enough and waited..and waited… and waited! Now it’s the actual holidays, I have to wait until the end of the month to know if I can go. If I do go it’ll practically be the day before my exams, which will probably stress me out more than anything. I know I sound somewhat spoiled.. but I was really looking forward to prom dress shopping. All the other girls who are going in my year have one and I don’t. I’m not just saying that either, pretty much everyone I know has their dress. I guess I just feel a bit let down is all. 

I signed up for something called NCS – National Citizen Service. It’s a bit similar to the University Summer School at Sussex University as it’s a week without parents and I get to experience life without them to pick up after me – however this time it’s longer than a week. There are three sessions – for the first one it’s five days where I am staying on a campus and get to do team building things and in general doing fun things, such as zip lining. The second one is a few days after, the team I got to know on the team building days and I get together again to come up with a project to help give back to the community. After that, we have 30 hours to implement it. At the end of it we get a signed certificate from David Cameron. It sounded like a lot of fun. It’s in August, and I honestly cannot wait.

I also ‘officially’ got accepted into the Academy on a conditional acceptance (I get the required grades, blah blah blah) I’m super happy! I knew I had been accepted as they told me in the interview. But there is a difference between told it in person, and getting it formally written down and pretty much guaranteeing me a place. 

He and I are doing really well – nothing bad has happened between us and we seen happy as ever. 


This year is certainly looking more and more interesting. Prom, Year books, A day in London for my 16th birthday, actually turning 16, NCS, GCSE results and college. 

 Until next time!


Ice skating

Published March 2, 2014 by thatstrangegirls


Lots has happened. Firstly however… pinch punch first blog post of the month! On Thursday (27th February) I had parents evening. The report overall was actually really good. My teachers all predicted good things for me… except my maths teacher. I didn’t do very well on my last mock, and my teacher gave a list of topics to revise. He went over my paper with my mother and I and pointed out my mistakes. However, he did say that I worked hard in his classes, and that if anybody deserved to pass maths it was definitely me. That comment left me beaming for the rest  Imageof the evening.

Yesterday (1st of March), He and I met up to go to a car boot sale at our school. The actual carboot was pretty bad. It was really small. Most of the stuff on sale was either aimed at people far above our generation, or toddlers. The closest we got to our age group were a bunch of necklaces linked to popular fandoms such as the Harry Potter symbol. We did both buy a charity wristband, and were bullied by some younger kids into buying a bag of cakes. We ate two mini cupcakes each, and then bought an icecream and a fizzy drink each. We went up to the local park/field and sat, drank our drinks and chatted for over an hour. It was a fun day. 

So on the 28th of February, I went ice skating for the first time in my life. It was an inset day so I had nothing really planned. This solved my problem completely! 

The actual ice skating was amazing. While we were given hockey skates, the actual experience was so fun and… different to what I normally do. It was fairly quiet and only a few others were there, but everyone who WAS there was lovely. From the staff to the other skaters. 

There was one girl I got talking to around the rink. We both admitted we had no idea what we were doing, and we cheered each other on when they didn’t fall over. It made me feel a lot more welcome.

While I didn’t fall over, I had some very close calls, which left me grasping at the side of the rink, desperately trying not to fall over. My brother did push me over though. I don’t count it. I’m not exactly sure if it was accidental or on purpose – accidental, hopefully. 

ImageMy baby sister was there too. She held on to a little, weighed down penguin which helped her stay upright. Her father and my mum switched between steering the two year old and the penguin around. She seemed to really enjoy it and squealed with joy more than once. 

As our time came to an end, we made our way off the rink. We unanimously agreed that it was the most fun we’d had in a long time as a family and all wanted to go again. We were only meant to get half an hour on the rink but ended up with three quarters of an hour – not that i’m complaining!

As soon as we got home, Mum was on the computer as soon as we were home, booking five more tickets.

We went today (The 2nd of March). Once again, it was really fun. However since today was the last day the rink was open, the place was absolutely packed. People were spilling out of everywhere. This meant it took longer to actually get onto the rink, and the staff were more in a rush to hand out skates than they had been the other day.

Once we’d got onto the ice, we were all off. My mother took my sister and a penguin and zoomed off, her father stood at the side taking pictures, my brother and I were off skating on the ice. I noticed immediately that i’d actually gotten a bit better. I wasn’t flailing around as much, and instead of pretty much walking on the ice like I had before, I was properly gliding. 

Well… I was. I sort of glided into a huge group of people by mistake, which meant I was propelled into the side of the rink, hurt my arm and landed on my bum. After the group helped me up, I worked out nothing was broken, just a bite sore. I recovered and was on my way again. This time, somewhat more cautiously. 

I am super proud of the fact that I only fell over once on the ice out of two separate occasions!

I’ve started revising now – an hour a day of a subject. I even made a time table i’ve stuck on my wall with ‘week 1’ and ‘week 2’ so it’s not the same week in and week out. Same subjects, different topics and on different days. Just to keep things interesting. When I have Health and Social Care, I am going to try and revise a subject for at least half an hour in the lesson as i’ve finished the subject (two D*s! get me!)

It was getting to the point that I felt bad for not revising every second of the day, so hopefully this should keep me in check.

My diet seems to be working. My stomach is leaner, my thighs ever so slightly smaller and I don’t have as much cellulite as before. It’s a gradual process, but i’ve swapped bad foods like chocolate and crips for fruits and vegetables, and I try to exercise every day. It’s making a difference!

Until next time!


Third date and resit grades

Published May 29, 2013 by thatstrangegirls


I got my results for my math exam – I got a C! For somebody who usually get’s Ds or worse, that’s pretty good. My target grade has also been raised from a D to a B!

In my physics exam, I got an F… yeah, not good. However in my resit after rigorous revision, I got a B! 

So today I went on my third ever date with Him. We went to go see Epic at the cinema! The actual film was rather cheesey and predictable, but it was fun to watch anyway.

For the last few days, i’ve been going to revision. Chemistry revision was really helpful, and I revised a lot, even though the class was packed. Physics revision, however was pretty bad. The teacher was totally unprepared for so many students to turn up (they printed the wrong times on the revision dates sheet, too!), gave us a text book and an exam paper and sent the students that couldn’t fit in the classroom downstairs. For a while, we revised pretty solidly, however we soon got bored, and ended up chatting, messing around and eating sugary treats that some of my friends had paid for (I felt sick afterwards)

I woke up at 7, had breakfast, brushed my teeth and got dressed. My mum runs her own business, so she usually drags us all to work with her at the weekends (Fun… not) however as I was meet Him at 10, I got to stay behind and lock up while the rest of them went to work. 

I left at ten to nine even though we were meant to leave at 10 as I was pretty excited, and couldn’t sit still any longer. By the time I got there, it was ten past ten. Once we both arrived at the bus stop, we hugged quickly and waited for our bus. (Side note, I rarely use public transport, so he had to pay for my ticket!) 

The bus was packed full of people, so we had to sit in different seats  (he was behind me though, so it wasn’t so bad.) The old man I sat next to was fairly friendly. Once he got off at his stop, we both sat next to each other, making small talk as the journey continued. 

Finally, we reached our stop and got off. We headed straight for the cinema even though we were and hour early since they may have been sold out later. (which they pretty much were when we went to get the seats! Only six or seven seats were available!)  

We paid for our tickets and headed up to screen 2, as we weren’t allowed to leave after we had bought our ticket, otherwise we had to repay for it, which sucked. We had the room to ourselves for at least ten minutes, until he went out for a bit, and came back with a big Maltesers, and a cheesy grin on his face. By this point, the room had a few other people dotted about it. 

We chatted quietly and hugged a lot until the trailers started, where we laughed at how ridiculous some of the movies coming out were – lots of sequels this year, apparently. Once the movie came on, I was totally engrossed in it (I love movies, okay?) and he kept laughing at me. Every now and again, we’d glance over to each other, his hand in my hand, and would smile warmly. Naturally, I smiled back.

After the rather predictable but nonetheless cute end to the film, we got onto a bus, and were on our way home. This time we sat next to each other the entire time, and were teasing each other about what we were like while watching the movie (he twitched a lot, I was totally engrossed and apparently had my mouth open slightly) 

He came round my house for a few hours, where we played with my baby sister and my mum’s boyfriend’s dog, Misty. 

All in all, it was a really fun day. I really enjoyed it, and i’m glad I went!

Goodbye for now!


My first Valentines

Published February 20, 2013 by thatstrangegirls


First of all, I am gonna apologize for how long it took for this blog to be up! My laptop recently died and was only resurrected by my IT-expert of a father. YAY INTERNET.

Anyway, back on topic. Valentines was pretty low-key. I gave him malteasers and a huge card (I don’t know what boys like!), and he gave me these really pretty purple flowers and a box of chocolate. We didn’t make a big deal out of Valentines as we both agreed it was over-commercialized. Plus, our year anniversary isn’t far off, so we’re focusing more on that! But I was surprised by how happy I was over flowers. I’ve never been given flowers by a boy before, and the fact that they came from Him made the whole thing ten times better.  

One of his birthday presents turned up today! One down, one more to arrive! 

My Jack Frost hoodie should arrive soon, too!

I’ve recently gotten over a cold, and he’s recently gained one – from me, probably. I figured it’d cheer him up and go buy him flowers, and give them to him at his house. He jumped when he saw me, and looked really confused. However, I think he liked it. I think. 

It only occurred to me how silly this idea was when he opened the door, but I figured I may as well give them to him anyway. 

I went to science revision, and was pleasantly surprised by how fun it turned out to be. Lots of people turned up too. Our teacher handed out biscuits and even made us all a cup of tea. 

I bought John Green’s book The Fault In Our Stars after reading positive comments about it online, and it’s really good! I’m glad I bought it. I will definitely buy more of his books in the future.  

Well, that’s my life up to now.
