
All posts tagged anger

College Drama

Published July 3, 2015 by thatstrangegirls


So recently I found out the results of the head girl/boy interviews.

The actual interview went pretty well. My head teacher and head of sixth form were sat at one end of a table and I was at the other end giving my presentation. They both were smiling and laughing throughout, which I took as a positive sign – even if one of the questions after the presentation wasn’t actually about the presentation but rather about my favourite genre of rock music and why.

A few days later I was called out of my tutor to go find out the results of the interview. I was told to head to main reception and they’ll call me in when they’re ready for me. While waiting, I sat reading Harry Potter so I didn’t notice the time passing. However when interrupted by a teacher, I noticed the time. I’d been sat outside in main reception for half an hour. I asked the receptionist if she could see if he was ready for me, but to no avail. His assistant didn’t even pick up the phone. So I sat there, more concerned now waiting for my meeting.The head of reprographics walked past me several times then finally asked me why I was in main reception. After I told him why I was there, he said he’d take a peek in his office and see if it looks like his meeting will finish soon. When he returned, I was informed it wasn’t another sixth former in his office but a year 10 girl in trouble for punching another girl. I started to feel like i’d been forgotten.

Eventually, my head teacher came out of his office. To see me? Of course not. He went to go to a meeting and saw me, then was visibly startled. He asked me how long i’d been sat waiting for him and seemed surprised when I said i’d been sat for an hour. He hadn’t even noticed i’d been there. He quickly sat me in office and told me the results.


I didn’t get the role. If you read between the lines of what was said, I seemed to enthusiastic and charity oriented which wasn’t what they were looking for. I was then told a metaphor that didn’t make sense and about the head’s son whose in India for some reason.

I quickly left the office and walked back to the sixth form, taking a deep breath. I was actually upset I didn’t get the role, which surprised me. In sixth form, there was a gaggle of Year 12s and one Year 13 sat around a big table discussing the results, which is very unusual as usually sixth form is very segregated into little groups. Everyone was outraged at the results – the girl who won was forced to apply and didn’t even want to role. She hates speaking in front of others. However, I know the girl who won would make a great head girl – this wasn’t the issue. The boy who got Head Boy didn’t even do a proper presentation – he read directly off five note cards. He also gets away with not wearing the uniform, never does his work and referred to everyone in sixth form as being ‘scum’ that is below him intellectually. Charming fellow, right?

It started to sound like the results were chosen before the actual interviews even take place. This became more apparent when I found out why the other candidates didn’t get the role – one boy was too nice and the other was too intelligent. The other girl who applied was very feminist based. It’s ridiculous. The girl who won head girl once again told the head of sixth form she doesn’t like talking in front of crowds and she was immediately told she wont have to – despite this being a primary role in being the head girl.

Honestly the whole thing is frustrating and i’m almost glad I didn’t win if the results were going to be predetermined like that. I’m a deputy head officially but we all know that’s the equivalent of a child getting a prize for participating.

To top it all off, my sixth form is constructed essentially like a giant glass conservatory. This means it gets very hot easily and with one opening window, it wasn’t very well ventilated. We also got told off for opening the door in case ‘an axe murder got in’. The head of sixth form didn’t acknowledge the fact that if a murderer truly wanted to get in, a glass door wasn’t exactly going to stop them. The fact that the staff room also had an open door despite not having many teachers in it was also ignored.

Until next time,


”You Are Like a Priest’s Daughter”

Published April 12, 2015 by thatstrangegirls


So I ended my Easter holidays meeting up with some old friends I hadn’t seen since Results Day last year – August. I slept round the house of a really old friend and we spent the day reminiscing, taking photos and playing with her dogs (at one point she had three huskies and one smaller dog in her house). It was actually really fun! We even waited until 6:30 just for the ice cream van and then ordered pizza for dinner later on. Then another person turns up – someone i’ve also known for a long time. He friendly enough and settles in, chats with us about his new job and whatnot and the evening goes on.

Finally it starts getting late. We all head inside and one of the things the latecomer said to me was ”You are like a priest’s daughter!”, then laughed it off. There are two major flaws in this comment 1) I’m not religious 2) my father isn’t a priest and also isn’t religious. When I inquired why he said that, he said something along the lines of ”because you’re so innocent and good! You never do anything bad.. you’re such a goody-two-shoes.”

Something about this struck a chord with me, and the comment was still stuck in my head the following morning. Am I really, as he put it, a goody-two-shoes? And why did he say the comment like it was such a bad thing?

Then I realised something. Teenagers are stereotyped so heavily for being ‘bad’ and ‘lazy’. All teenagers are seen as ‘Hoodies’ whom are rebellious and who go off the rails. This stereotype is featured so heavily in the media that even fellow teenagers see it as strange that a person doesn’t drink a lot of alcohol or take drugs. The news seldom ever mentions the good that young people can do like help charity, invent some amazing technology… things like that.

This creates a moral panic that has led to this unfortunate label that my generation can’t seem to shake off no matter what we do. In my experience it’s actually the elderly that overall seem to be the crueler generation – but that’s just my opinion. There are naturally quite a few exceptions to the this rule.. because we wouldn’t want to generalise a whole generation now, would we?

All i’m saying is that maybe it’s time that the stereotype of teenagers is changed. Sure, we’re all hormone ridden young people who aren’t exactly sure what they want to do with their lives, but we’re people too. So what if i’m not uber rebellious, have never sworn at my parents or slammed a door intentionally? Maybe i’m doing this whole ‘teenager’ thing wrong.. or maybe it’s time people get with the times.

Or maybe i’m just over thinking things too much. I’m not meant to do that, i’m a teenager after all.

Until next time,


Meeting the family

Published November 18, 2013 by thatstrangegirls


So yesterday, I was invited to a meal to celebrate his great nan’s 90th birthday. I was totally petrified of meeting His family and had no idea what to expect! What do I wear? What are they like? So many questions…

I got on a train very early in the morning and after a very quiet journey arrived at Lancing station at half 9 in the morning. I then headed over to His granddads house until his parents came to pick us up at a later time. His mother, step father and the pair of us were all dressed in black – his step dad even jokingly said we look like the Addams family.

We arrived super early at a cosy pub called The Fox. It was really pretty and candles were dotted around everywhere. As time passed, more of his relatives arrived and were all super friendly. They seemed to have looked into me a bit as they seemed to know all about me and what I want to do.

His Great nan soon arrived and turned out to be this sweet, smiley old lady in a blue jumper. She was also super friendly and seemed to be very surprised by the sheer number of people that had turned up (around 16 people turned up and were crammed around an extended table!). She was very quiet, but sweet all the same. There was a huge range of age groups at the table. It ranger from 12-90! It was interesting.

The food was very good, his family was really nice… all in all it was a super fun day and i’m glad I went. It was nice to meet his family and try to spot where he gets certain facial features from and where his personality also comes from. They all get on really well and were all very cheerful.

In other news, my side of the family all seem to be at each others throats. Lots of screaming, yelling and anger in general. I’m fed up of it. It isn’t fun. It is making me dread coming home from school everyday.

Until next time!


Snow, School drama and a funeral

Published January 18, 2013 by thatstrangegirls


So today it snowed! It was an amazing day that included school being cancelled after the first lesson (I did have an English exam though,  ugh), snow… snow and more snow! A huge snowball fight between Him and I, a tickling fight and lots of fun! I’m now at my dads waiting for fish and chips for dinner…yum.

So as for Pat, her funeral is arranged for this Thursday, the same day as my brothers parents evening. I don’t know what was up with me in the last blog, but i’ve sort of relaxed a bit now, I don’t feel as sad. Don’t get me wrong, i’m still sad as heck, but i’ve cheered up a bit now. My baby sister has been especially clingy since her death, and mum reckons it’s because she senses something is wrong, and that she misses her grandma. She’s been especially clingy, and it’s a battle to just get up the stairs. Poor little tyke. 

Okay, so there has been a lot of drama at school lately. I mean, there is always drama, but this really takes the cake (the cake is a lie). Okay, so let’s call the victim person 1, and her boyfriend Person 2. Person 1 fancied person 2 for a while. They eventually get together but it’s a secret  because a person we shall name person 3 used to date person 2. Naturally it all comes to light pretty quickly and person 3 claims not to be upset, but is really. Person 3 confides in someone named Person 4, and person 4 decides to make person 1’s life hell for ‘going against the girl code’. Person 1 resorts to cutting herself again and becomes depressed. She feels like she isn’t part of our friendship group anymore and chooses to hang around with some different people. Person 4 sends horrible messages to person 1, and after constant bullying, Person 1 snaps and sends some pretty horrible things back to person 4. Person 4 then goes and tells a teacher, shows the messages she was sent, but not the ones she actually sent herself. 

Meanwhile Person 1 and Person 2’s relationship is failing. 

 Person 4 is completely stirring this up, by telling person 3 that Person 1 said that they aren’t true friends, is trying to ruin every friend Person 1 has and is just in general being a horrible person. Why? Amusement. I wish I was kidding. 

It’s gotten to the point where everybody is angry at each other, and they feel the need to choose sides. It’s person 1 against person 3/ choosing sides, and I find the whole situation ridiculous. Why did Person 4 do that? If person 3 wasn’t happy, why didn’t she say? Why does everyone feel the need to pick sides? Why can’t we all just freakin’ get along?





That’s one way to ruin a day…

Published October 28, 2012 by thatstrangegirls


I’ve just realized, the title rhymes 😀

Ah, being easily amused is fun.

But seriously though, this blog is about a ‘little’ argument He and I had earlier. It was over the stupidest reason – dates, and how we can’t meet up over the week-long half term break. It started out with me sending him a text around half nine in the morning, saying something along the lines of ‘I guess i’m the bringer of bad news this morning, for two reasons. 1. I’m at my dads Monday-Wednesday, then off to a friend of mine’s until around twelve am on Thursday for a Halloween sleepover, then back to my dads for a few hours later Thursday-Sunday. I sent it, and didn’t expect a reply for a few hours, so I shoved it in my pocked and got ready for going to Mum’s workshop. We got there, I pulled out my phone and saw that I had five unread messages. Thinking nothing of it, I opened the first message absent-mindedly. You know what it said?

‘This is gonna be the shittiest holiday ever, thanks for ruining it for me’ … it was from him. I don’t know what happened to me. I felt so confused, upset and… well.. angry. So I did what every emotional female does in that situation. I burst into tears. Quietly, of course so I didn’t disturb my family who were busy at work. I then read through the next few, and they just seemed to get more and more bitter. He kept swearing and saying that it was a load of crap, that ‘it doesn’t matter as long as you’re having a good time at your dads. Who cares about me?’, You’re already ignoring me, getting in some practice in early then?, for someone who claims you love me, you aren’t doing a great job of showing it at the moment, and so on. All I did was ignore it on the way to work, so I could get comfy and read or text. I replied with an confused; yet angry reply. It turned into a full blown argument, then He then started apologizing a lot.

I was still thoroughly confused, but accepted his apology anyway.

the back-and-forth texts eventually stopped around 12am, when he called me. The phone call ended with him apologizing, then changing the topic to his science homework. I laughed. When he had to go, I sort of just sat down, pulled my sister onto my lap and just played with her absent mindedly, still thoroughly confused over what had just happened.

It’s quarter to nine in the evening and i’m still thoroughly confused.

On a happier note, Mum got a letter from the head of history basically saying that I was an excellent pupil and that i’m on track to exceeding my target grade of a C. Apparently i’m a B student.

I also bought a touch-sensitive lamp from The Range. It’s so pretty, and has three settings. Kinda light, medium and bright. You just need to tap it to turn it on or off. It’s so cool. This kept me amused for ages… i’m not even kidding.

Well, that’s my life recently…
