
All posts tagged arguing

Fish spa and arguments

Published August 8, 2013 by thatstrangegirls


So a few days ago I went into town and got my hair highlighted as a belated birthday present from my mum. The spa also threw in a free ‘fish spa’. Essentially what this is two giant fish tanks filled with fish that eat the dead skin off of your feet. However – it doesn’t hurt. It feels like jacuzzi bubbles all over my feet. At first I was freaking out and didn’t want to do it, but it actually wasn’t that bad once your feet are in the tanks. I tried to focus on my J.K Rowling book – to no avail. I got a T-Bar blonde highlights that actually seem to have lightened my hair. I’m very happy!

I have entered NEO magazines competition to win a 3Ds with Animal Crossing New Leaf! – I hope I win. I REALLY need that game in my life. It looks so fun! I loved the original game and would love to play this game too. The only problem being I don’t own a DS or the game..

However, my friends have all been arguing a lot lately. One of my friends blocked Him for ‘being himself’. That in depth explanation coupled with the fact that this friend puts Him down at every opportunity.. He isn’t happy. He’s not making me chose between them or anything, but he goes off on angry rants about it quite a lot. This has made him a lot more hot-headed and has meant that he’s seems to be arguing with me about anything and everything. He then spends ages afterwards apologizing and begging me not to dump him – which never even crossed my mind.

I don’t know what to do.

GCSE results soon! I am SO scared…

See you for now!

Snow, School drama and a funeral

Published January 18, 2013 by thatstrangegirls


So today it snowed! It was an amazing day that included school being cancelled after the first lesson (I did have an English exam though,  ugh), snow… snow and more snow! A huge snowball fight between Him and I, a tickling fight and lots of fun! I’m now at my dads waiting for fish and chips for dinner…yum.

So as for Pat, her funeral is arranged for this Thursday, the same day as my brothers parents evening. I don’t know what was up with me in the last blog, but i’ve sort of relaxed a bit now, I don’t feel as sad. Don’t get me wrong, i’m still sad as heck, but i’ve cheered up a bit now. My baby sister has been especially clingy since her death, and mum reckons it’s because she senses something is wrong, and that she misses her grandma. She’s been especially clingy, and it’s a battle to just get up the stairs. Poor little tyke. 

Okay, so there has been a lot of drama at school lately. I mean, there is always drama, but this really takes the cake (the cake is a lie). Okay, so let’s call the victim person 1, and her boyfriend Person 2. Person 1 fancied person 2 for a while. They eventually get together but it’s a secret  because a person we shall name person 3 used to date person 2. Naturally it all comes to light pretty quickly and person 3 claims not to be upset, but is really. Person 3 confides in someone named Person 4, and person 4 decides to make person 1’s life hell for ‘going against the girl code’. Person 1 resorts to cutting herself again and becomes depressed. She feels like she isn’t part of our friendship group anymore and chooses to hang around with some different people. Person 4 sends horrible messages to person 1, and after constant bullying, Person 1 snaps and sends some pretty horrible things back to person 4. Person 4 then goes and tells a teacher, shows the messages she was sent, but not the ones she actually sent herself. 

Meanwhile Person 1 and Person 2’s relationship is failing. 

 Person 4 is completely stirring this up, by telling person 3 that Person 1 said that they aren’t true friends, is trying to ruin every friend Person 1 has and is just in general being a horrible person. Why? Amusement. I wish I was kidding. 

It’s gotten to the point where everybody is angry at each other, and they feel the need to choose sides. It’s person 1 against person 3/ choosing sides, and I find the whole situation ridiculous. Why did Person 4 do that? If person 3 wasn’t happy, why didn’t she say? Why does everyone feel the need to pick sides? Why can’t we all just freakin’ get along?

