
All posts tagged books

A Busy July

Published July 23, 2015 by thatstrangegirls


So a lot has happened recently! July has been such a busy month I haven’t been able to post as much as usual so i’ll do it all in one big update post!

I had a health and social care summer school at the start of this month, where I spent three days exploring different health and social care professions, eating far too much food and getting to know the different Brighton University campuses. I had a blast and have decided I am definitely applying to Brighton Uni – I loved the campus, the food was great and the teachers were interesting and engaging! Highlights of my time at the summer school included a game of rounders up in the downs, a quiz complete with lots of food and friends, a medical simulation with a robot who had diabetes who hadn’t taken their meds and a trip into Brighton where we had a meal at Donatello’s with friends. The entire experience was interesting and engaging and even included activities such as student finance sessions and personal statement writing lectures. We graduates wearing actual graduation gowns from the uni and holding our certificates.

The next big activity that’s happened this month was Activities Week. This happened last week and was five days filled with activities designed to ‘encourage the interaction of different year groups and help the community’. One of the activities we took part in was tyre painting. The tyres would then be filled with soil and flowers planted in them, so they could decorate our college. However, the tyres had been left all the way down three flights of stairs and naturally the department that needed them was on the top floor. Myself and several other sixth formers had to be ‘trained’ to lift tyres so we could assist in the transporting the tyres. Another day we took part in litter picking at our local beach – although beneficial to our community it was rather boring and cold. However, i’m glad I took part as the beach looked significantly more clean after we had visited. On Wednesday we took part in a nine mile walk along the Downs to fundraise for a new basketball court with our entire chapter. The actual walk was super fun as I made friends with different year groups and had a hilarious conversation with some younger years about dogs. However, my legs were killing by the end of the day and my skin was seriously sunburnt. On Thursday we took part in ‘International day’ where we spent the day learning about immigration, human rights and about a trip to Uganda and how different cultures live. It was a hugely interesting day and highly engaging with races, trying African foods and learning about new cultures. The Friday was spent at Lancing College, where we visited the working farm there and met the animals, watched a ram escape it’s cage, had a picnic, had a treasure hunt and spent the rest of the day relaxing in the sun. All in all, activities week was chock full of things to do that benefited both the pupils and the community – however, it wasn’t half exhausting though!

This last week was the last day at college before breaking up for summer and included PSHCE day where we spent the day creating UCAS applications and reworking our personal statements and Sports Day, where the sixth form mostly just spectated. Wednesday, however was my birthday.

My birthday started early – my sister was stomping around on a form of war path at around 6:30. I couldn’t get back to sleep so I spent the next half an hour in bed reading Harry Potter and being all snuggled up in bed. I finally got out of bed at 7am, where I came downstairs to boiled egg and dib dibs (our way of saying boiled eggs and soldiers) which is one of my favourite breakfasts. After eating, I opened all my cards and opened two little presents. The presents were two Lush products – a face mask that smells like cupcakes and a sea salt body scrub! Both smell amazing and I couldn’t wait to use them both. After I ran upstairs to get ready, we headed to school for my half day. I had some smaller presents from friends – mainly chocolate at college. One friend even turned up at break despite going to a different college to print me Dominoes cookies and a book as presents. Like, how sweet is that? I was even awarded a five pound Amazon gift voucher for having over 100 green cards (our reward system) which I plan to use to cut my book spending bill! The rest of the school day was a blur of small parties, laughing at an inflated dinosaur and a leaving assembly full of music and many speeches.

I stayed behind after the assembly to say goodbye to my tutor, who has now left. My tutor has supported me hugely the past three years and I even felt myself getting teary at her leaving. It’s really sad that she has left but hopefully now I have an opportunity to build new relationships with other teachers.

After college, I got a lift back to my house, where I was promptly informed I could not open any of my presents until six O’clock as we’re going to do that after our party food dinner at home. I have to admit, I got a bit grumpy at this and headed up to my room where I tried to kill time by reading books, tidying my room and playing on my 3DS. I started to feel desperately bored – He wasn’t even going to be able to come over as his parents had him doing chores all day and he couldn’t get away. Mum suddenly told me that plans had changed and that instead of party food we were going over to my Nan’s house for a barbecue and presents. This cheered me up as I love my Nan’s house, however time still dragged on.

Six O’clock finally arrived and we all grabbed our things, then hopped into the car. I felt excited as finally I could see all my family and celebrate my birthday properly! However, Mum then slowed the car in Worthing and said we had to make a slight detour as she had to make a quick delivery. We all hopped out the car and she grabbed a white box and indicated where we all needed to head. We walked slowly to the destination and the only thing was when food was going to be ready as I was hungry. I was so distracted by internal struggle for food and not wanting to seem ungrateful that I didn’t notice my Aunt, Uncle and Him crossing the road quickly just ahead of us.

We stopped outside a mexican restaurant called Tex Mex where I was promptly informed that ‘You are the delivery!’ and my family and Him were all revealed to me! There was a lot of hugging and yelling ‘surprise!’ that I was completely blown away. We finally headed into the venue, where we were seated at a ten seater table and told to sit still while our waitress grabs menus. There is no other way to describe it – Tex Mex was busy! The walls were covered in glass bottle clocks, odd posters and paintings, lizards stuck to the wall and even a chalk board with ‘Happy birthday Megan!’ written on it. I was completely over stimulated and a bit in shock still. My Nan arrived just before the waitress appeared and did the obligatory happy birthday comment. We ordered drinks and suddenly my Dad arrived, looking a bit wind swept and sat next to me. Turns out he’d driven for three hours to come see me on my birthday! That’s adorable.

With everyone here, we ordered starters and drinks – I had a Havana Banana (non alcoholic cocktail that tasted more like a fancy banana milkshake to be honest), nachos as my starter and a spicy chicken burrito. Oh my gosh, the food was delicious! There was so much spice in the food that your nose burned every time the waitress brought more food through and it was all so filling! In between eating and chatting with everyone, I opened my presents. The highlights included MCM October Comic Con tickets, pretty jewellry and lots of books i’d been after!

After food had been eaten and our plates were taken away, a waitress gave us the dessert menu. My Mum quickly grabbed them all back and handed them back to her, then whispering something to her. I didn’t think much of this at the time as I was too busy telling the story about the inflatable dinosaur at my college. Moments later, a huge cake is carried through by the members of staff, with the whole restaurant singing ‘Happy birthday’ to me. I started laughing so much from a mixture of shock and embarrassment that I started crying (how ridiculous, right?). The cake was shaped like a huge book, with a miniature version of myself sat on top of it, leaning against a mug of green tea. I blew out the candles and a chorus of whistles and ‘Yaaaay’s echoed throughout the restaurant.

We then all dug in and honestly, it was delicious. However, I was too full from all the food i’d eaten that day to truly appreciate my slice of cake, so I couldn’t finish it.

A final surprise for the evening was that He was sleeping over! We paid our bill and carried all the presents into the back of my Dad’s car and spent the evening cuddled up in PJs and watching Guardians of the Galaxy. I was so exhausted by the end of the evening that I crashed almost instantly once I was comfortable. My whole birthday was amazing – I was spoiled rotten by my family and friends and got to see everyone who was important to me!

The morning after, He and I spent our time eating Macarons, chilling out in bed and chatting. It was really a nice way to wake up in the morning – no big rush until about 1 where I had a BBQ with a bunch of friends. Once he’d been dropped off back at his house, Mum and I stopped off into Onestop to grab some food for dinner and to contribute to the BBQ and then headed on our way.

However, then a car came out of nowhere and we crashed. It was rather terrifying – we could have been badly hurt considering the speed the other car was going! Luckily, besides my Mum’s hurt shoulder nobody was seriously injured. Even the cars weren’t too badly damaged – just a few dents and scratches on both parties. Once the issue of the crash was sorted and the insurance details were sorted, I was dropped off at my friend’s house.

I arrived at her house with hands full of two bags of Doritos and shaking slightly, however I got over it pretty quickly once i’d sat down and relaxed. I was given some more presents-  two bars of Cadbury’s chocolate, a time turner necklace and a hot air balloon model, which was really sweet! We then spent the afternoon eating food, playing dorky board games involving Logos, Charades and modelling with clay and relaxing in the sun. It was a really fun afternoon!

Just before we were going to start the next game, a few of my friends whom I hadn’t even realised had run off had reappeared, carrying a giant Jammy Dodger cake/biscuit. She didn’t have any proper candles so was just holding a smaller candle which I blew out. I was once again, blown away. The Jammy Dodger was delicious and totally filling – i’m stuffed beyond belief and don’t think i’ll need to be eating for a while now!

All in all, this month so far has been hugely positive. I’ve made new friends, helped the community, had a surprise party with all my family and then even got another meet up with some of my closest friends! It sounds cheesy, but i’ve really learnt how truly spoilt I am for friends and amazing people now. Hopefully, the rest of this month is just as positive!

Well, i’m dying my hair blue tomorrow, and I start volunteering next week! Busy as ever…

Until next time!


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World Book Day

Published March 6, 2015 by thatstrangegirls


So yesterday was World Book Day. For those who do not know, this is a day that celebrates authors, illustrators, book and reading. It is also used as a time to fundraise for school libraries through book fairs. The portion of money the school receives from sales at the book faire can then help fund for more books!

Every year my school lets us all dress up as book characters but usually nobody does. So to this year I decided i’m finally confident enough not to really care what people think so I dressed up! I dressed up as Wilbur the black cat from this.My friend joined me in dressing up as a white rabbit from Alice in Wonderland. In the pictures you can’t really see but I have cat ears, a ‘cat face’ painted on, a mostly plain black dress, black nails and cat tights on!

The rest of the school seemed to be having the same idea as a lot of people dressed up – there were Pikachus, the Dr from Jekyl and Hyde, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, the brothers from Of Mice and Men, the Pink Panther, Link from the Legend of Zelda Manga, James Bond, Pocahontas, the Pink Panther, two Indian Gods, Wally from the Wheres Wally? books and so many other characters. It was a genuinely nice surprise to see so many people dressing up and taking part.

Books are such a big part of who I am and I haven’t been as excited as I was this day in a little while (sad, I know). I was even more excited when I got early access to the book faire due to stress from mock ISAs and whatnot.

If you would like to learn more about world book day you can visit:

until next time!


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My tourist day in London

Published December 15, 2014 by thatstrangegirls


So sure I didn’t get the big day out in London that I wanted for my birthday but I sure got it today! I went to London with my sociology class and the history class at my college and the day was amazing.

I arrived at the train station far too early and spent half an hour reading Jane Eyre outside the train station while waiting for someone else to turn up. Eventually my class turned up and after a quick counting of student numbers, itineraries were distributed and we got onto the train, where we were immediately forced to sit apart due to the lack of seats.

Once we got to London Victoria and then onto the tube we got mildly lost in the station. We wound up at the wrong platform, where we had to speed walk to the right station as the train was about to leave. (There were too many people to run).

When we finally got out of the station the speeches about the history of London began. After my fellow students had taken a sufficient amount of photos of Big Ben and other monuments in London we started walking to the National Portrait Gallery. However, on the way our teachers thought it would be a great idea to stand in the road and take a picture of Buckingham Palace, completely ignoring all the traffic. Once they realised the chaos we were causing we quickly hurried out of the road and continued on our way.

Outside of the museum was chaos. We didn’t know what to look! There were various men, santa and Yoda spray painted and balancing on sticks, Minnie and Mickey Mouse were having a dance off and a literal, giant blue statue of a cock. Once we were inside the museum, we we had a look at the Grayson Perry exhibit and then could wander around freely for half an hour. I have to say, I would not consider myself an ‘art person’ but I was completely enamoured by the paintings, pottery and sculptures in the museum. They were beautiful!

After the museum we walked into China Town via a detour through London’s largest Gay bar district. We had lunch at an All-you-can-eat chinese buffet, where I got to try Chinese tea for the first time (it was pretty good). The food was also pretty good but they didn’t give us knives and there was a lot of complaints about the lack of desserts on offer. We also got glares from the owner of the restaurant for no foreseeable reason other than the fact that we were a large group of hungry teenagers.

After the chinese restaurant, we walked across the millenium bridge to the Tate Modern. The bridge smelt really strongly of roast chestnuts as there was a little booth selling them. We were once again allowed to roam freely but had to meet at four. I, along with a small group, went all the way up to the top of the Tate Modern to go see the view of London. It was actually really spectacular but due to the day being somewhat dreary I imagine it would be more beautiful in the summer time. However, this group soon got separated and I got somewhat lost trying to find everyone. By this point, a boy in our group realised he’d lost his train ticket.

We also had a chance to explore a Christmas Market. The Market was decorated really nicely with fake snow and fairy lights. It truly seemed like something out of a Christmas movie. Even with the weird looking plastic reindeer on the roof of one of the buildings.

Back on the tube, the next stop on our hit list was the South Bank. The South Bank was absolutely crawling with Christmas stalls, music and decorations. It was also packed. We were once again given free reign and allowed to do what we liked until a certain time when we had to meet up again to get the train back home. I kind of found myself alone again and wandered fairly aimlessly. I explored a local book stop, bought a cup of green tea and befriended the stall owner, visited the British Film Institute, watched a dance off between two boys and tried churros for the first time (I found two boys and they offered one to me). We sat and chatted until we had to head back.

We strolled a final time across the millennium bridge and got on the tube to London Victoria. The boy who lost his ticket had to go in at the same time as someone else, which earned a few frowns from the guards. However, they relaxed once they were shown the receipt the boy had. The train we needed to get wasn’t for half an hour so we all went and grabbed dinner at Mcdonalds (I bought a wrap and a drink but most people got full meals). When it came to getting on the train to get home, the boy without the ticket wasn’t allowed through the gates despite his receipt. The teachers had to buy him a whole new ticket just to go home.

Eventually we were on our way home. We did a lot of walking and I was honestly exhausted. I mostly chatted on the way home and tried not to fall asleep. However, the day was fun and i’d happily go into London to do more adventuring again! It was fun and more interesting than being at college.

In other news, I had what was technically my second day as a monthly cinema attendant, showing Frozen. It was very busy and with only two people working, it was somewhat chaotic but we managed. I also had a sleepover with some good friends of mine where we exchanged presents, caught up on what we missed and danced like crazy to music on the dance channel. It was a fun sleepover.

I break up for college this week! And it’s only ten days until Christmas… i’m so excited! This year has actually gone really quickly due to various activities i’ve been doing like NCS and exams.

Also, i’m off to Sussex University again on Wednesday and have to navigate the trains by myself.. wish my luck.

Well, until next time!

-Megan Stapleton

and continued

Award evening

Published December 10, 2014 by thatstrangegirls


So this evening I went to an award evening at my sixth form college, where I was awarded a certificate for achievement in Film and Media in year 11, and a Waterstones voucher. Anybody who truly knows me knows i’m more excited at the prospect of new books, even with the increasing quantity of books I have to read under my bed.

The awards evening itself was… okay? The set up was pretty, the music, while dull at times was well done and the food was pretty decent.However, our head teacher talked on for what felt like hours at the start and end of the evening, I was shunned by someone i thought was my friend in favour of another person and none of my friends or family turned up to my award evening, so I was somewhat crestfallen the entire evening. Things are more fun when you have someone to share them with. So after the actual awards I wandered around by myself for a bit, trying to look social, until I gave up and went home. It wasn’t the worst evening I could have had but it wasn’t exactly the best either.

Also, guess who is going back to the University of Sussex for the fourth time in two years? Me! I have decided I don’t want to go to the university as it doesn’t do the course I want to do. However, I was chosen for a Study Experience that lasts all year. It’s one day most months I go up and do something relating the course i’ve been chosen to do – English for me. I don’t understand how I got in. I wrote a poor reasoning to get in and doodled all over the actual form.

Oh well. It’s no NCS but it’s something to occupy a bit of my time.

I have a sleepover with some old friends from high school after what is technically my second day at work this weekend and i’m excited! It should be fun. I haven’t seen them in a while and it will be an opportunity to relax in onesies, watch movies and eat pizza. What more could a girl want from an evening?

Through various bake sales and cinema showing i’ve officially raised over £60 for the charity i’m donating my hair to, Locks of Love! I’m really happy. I should have a more official total next week but that’s more than I ever expected to raise. I couldn’t have done it without the help of my Tutor for helping me in sales and motivating me to raise even more money, my mother for buying the ingredients and my fellow students for helping buy the cakes.

It makes me happy.

However, there are some things that do not make me happy. Do you ever get the feeling that even though you’re surrounded by people, you’re entirely alone? I do. Frequently. I also feel like I still don’t really have any friends i’m close with besides my boyfriend or online friends but it still isn’t the same as having someone (that you aren’t dating) to tell all your secrets, gossiping with, having you support them and vise versa and just someone you can talk to at any time of day. I want that. I want a best friend.

I just feel lonely a lot of the time and I wish I didn’t. I don’t understand why I am but I do and I hate it.


Until next time,

-Megan Stapleton

Wooden turtles

Published January 27, 2013 by thatstrangegirls


So my mum dragged me to a garden centre earlier, and the majority of it was very dull – the highlight of my day is that I got bought a wooden turtle! For those of you who don’t know, I have a very, very slight obsession with turtles for no real reason. They’re just cool.

Speaking of obsessions, another new obsession of mine is Doctor Who. That’s right. I am a ‘Whovian’ as the Doctor Who fans call themselves. I started on series three, i’m on series five now.

The snow has all melted now, and it being English weather, means that the weather is now utter chaos and doesn’t seem to know what to do with itself. One moment it’s raining, then the next it’s sunny.

I’ve got an English assessment tomorrow, that i’m really dreading. I hate standing in front of crowds and my confidence goes down the drain when i’m being graded on the worst speech ever… yaaaaaay.

I got an award in school the other day for working hard. I was really happy and proud I actually WON something. I never usually win anything. The prize was one of those really posh pens with my school chapter logo on it. I found it really funny that it had a warranty, and a guide on how to best use the pen. What the heck. I told my mum I won something, and she said that she was uber proud (her actual words) so she was going to buy me a Jack Frost hoodie from Rise Of The Guardians, my new favorite movie; and was going to give me ten pound to spend on Amazon on whatever I like (spent on books, naturally) I’m so happy! I’ve been wanting one of these hoodies so badly, and I had run out of things to read. YAY.

It’s our ten months tomorrow, i’m so happy :3 It has gone past really quickly, and i’ve loved every moment, good or bad. He has genuinely changed my life for the better.

Well.. that’s all for now


Well, that ‘Apocalypse’ was disappointing

Published December 22, 2012 by thatstrangegirls


I’ve been ill recently, which is fairly sucky. I was puking everywhere… not nice. Luckily, i’m okay now. I might of accidentally infected Him though!

I made Him some chocolate truffles as a peace offering, as we have been arguing a lot lately. He was very grateful and said they were delicious, which I admit made my day… :3

Christmas is soon! I’m kind of excited, but at the same time, I’m not. There’s so much uncertainty surrounding the day, and I’m just dreading it now, even though it’s my favourite day of the year.

Yesterday was the last day of school, and the apparent ‘apocalypse’. Here is what happened for me:

I sent a message to Him saying something along the lines of ‘if the world ends tomorrow, I love you,’ because I thought it was cute. As a reply, I got ‘Oh you Muppet! You glorious, glorious Muppet! You didn’t really think it was gonna end, did you? 🙂 Hmm… So am I. I just looked outside, and the world seems to be there. And if it it ends at 11:11, then we’ll be together. Forever. I love you too! My glorious goddess!” I was just sat there awwing for what must have been five minutes.

I woke up around 7am to my awfully bright lamp being turned on, and being prodded in the back by my mother several times, telling me to get up. I mumbled something about getting up in a second, and she left me to my devises. I read the text from him, then trundled downstairs and into the living room, munching on a cereal bar I took from the kitchen on my way past it. Same boring stuff on the news, same sleepy family cuddled up in dressing gowns trying to stay warm.

An hour later, i’m dressed and ready for school. I’m just lying on my bed thinking about… well… everything. School, exams, My mum’s boyfriend’s mum who has cancer and how she’s coping, Him, music, the day ahead, and so on.

Eventually we get to school and my usual friend is stood there, tapping her foot and telling me to hurry up and ‘get over here, I wanna go to the canteen’. I nodded and then said I would be a moment. I placed a bag full of assorted treats on the reception desk for the Help The Heroes charity where we had to bring in some food for war veterans and whatnot, then hurried on my way.

The canteen was covered in tinsel. And it was heaving. We grabbed our food, paid for it and then went upstairs to wait for English, but bumped into a group of friends and chatted with them until lessons started.

Once the bell went, I saw Him. Smiling, I hugged him and we walked into our lesson. Because it was the only lesson of the day, we watched an amazing film called My Name is Khan, that nearly had me, and several of my friends in tears. Our teacher, and another girl actually did cry. Naturally, I sat next to him.

After the lesson, our teacher gave us a small chocolate each, and said she hoped we had a nice Christmas.

-skips the boring bits-

After waiting for my friends who were obviously not going to turn up, He and I went to the canteen to see what all the fuss was about.

The canteen was covered in glitter. Literally. Somebody had chucked loads of it round, and everyone was covered. It was nuts in there, people were walking around with mistletoe above their heads, and actually getting kissed. People were throwing glitter, giving presents, laughing and chatting, and He and I kissed lots. It was awesome. The bell eventually went, and we had to go to our tutor bases. After a final kiss, He promised He’d walk home with me afterwards.

Tutor was kind of dull. Our teacher made us do half of a quiz we never finished, he sung a bit and looked like a right moron, and I got given a really pretty lavender-scented pillow decoration to hang around the room. Then our chapter (Nightingale) got called out on the PA system and we had to go line up outside the sports hall.

Assembly was actually pretty boring too. The school orchestra did an amazing song, but then the teachers prattled on about Christmas spirit, and the story of Jesus. There was a short drama production, some more lectures about being safe, then we were allowed to go home.

I had to walk home with my younger brother, as well as Him, which is kind of annoying as it means my brother is gonna spend the entire time talking about Minecraft while Him and I try and chat among ourselves. We also can’t spend much time at our usual corner to kiss, which is quite annoying really, considering I wont see him until Boxing Day.

When my brother and I got home, it was about 1pm. My mother returned home from house sitting for her boyfriend 4-5ish, didn’t really say anything to us except saying why she took so long to get home (Parcel took a while to arrive, her boyfriend’s mum fell over and they couldn’t get her up, then they had to drive her to the hospital for her first chemo session, then she decorated her boyfriends house, and so on. I feel really sad for my mum’s boyfriend and his mum, and I feel really useless.) Mum basically told us we were going to our nans to have dinner and were sleeping there overnight, without much explanation. Naturally, we got lost on the drive over to my nans house. It wasn’t so bad there, we got given an early Christmas present (I got a zombie apocalypse guide, and my brother got some Yu-Gi-Oh books) and were able to read those. By the time we got there, it was around 6pm.

I had a shower, ate pizza for dinner with ice-cream for desert, read some more, went on my nans laptop for about an hour, fiddled with my phone and then went to bed. Fun.

Mum picked us up at 9am, and after a night of being kicked in the head by my brother, whom I had to share a bed with, I was in a bad mood. However, a call to my aunt soon cheered me up as she told me about her recent mouse problem, and about how they were glad it hadn’t happened on Christmas! She told me to ‘cheer up hun, there is always a silver lining!’, which made me smile. When Mum picked us up, she drove to ASDA without saying much to us, looked round there for some Christmas bits and casually told us we might be spending Christmas at her boyfriends house, or at nans depending on how her boyfriend’s mum was doing.

We’ve always spent Christmas at our house, so it was an odd thought to think we might not be there, but we understood.

Well, that’s my life until now.


The surprise is revealed!

Published October 6, 2012 by thatstrangegirls


It’s been our six months! I’m so happy 😀 it’s flown by.. and i’ve loved every moment!

Recently, He, my mum, my friend and her boyfriend have all been in on some surprise that had been planned to me. The only clue was ‘It needed to be sunny’ and ‘there was lots of grass’.. not very helpful when you live in a place SURROUNDED by grasslands.

I’ve been kinda been wanting to find out what the big surprise is, since i’m so impatient.. I found out today! Turns out, He planned a picnic. That’s so cheesy… and romantic. It was such an awesome afternoon. We sat there, chatted, laughed, ate and watched the other kids play a bit of footie.

My day started like this:

Woke up, 8:22 am. I am not a morning person. I shower, get dressed and eat breakfast. 9:00am.. I’m being dragged to work by my mum (she makes candles! ) for a few hours, then home… then.. a surprise. I’m nervous. No idea what the surprise is. But i’m excited too. 12:30 we’ve finished work and we’re heading home. I remind my mum that we forgot my baby sisters bottle and we turn around and get it, my mum sends a quick text to an unknown number, and then starts driving back to retrieve it, then head home.

I get home, and go to grab something to eat from the cupboards.. mum says I can’t eat anything. I was a little surprised since it was lunch time, but shrugged it off. My mum suddenly approaches me and says ‘Go to the Rec, you have a surprise waiting for you! You’ll know it when you see it!’ excited and more than just a little confused, I head out.

I arrive to see Him holding two bags. One with a blanket in it, and one with food in it. Suddenly it clicks into place. A picnic. How freaking adorable. He’s amazing. I hug him quickly, and help him set up. The rest of the afternoon is a blur of laughing, chatting, kissing and… freaking out over bugs. 

And I loved every second of it.

Afterwards, we head back to my house (he was staying for dinner.) and spend what was left of the evening chasing around my brother and sister, pillow fights and cuddling on the sofa.

It was an awesome day. I loved it!

Also, my neo arrived! Mum also bought me two books i’ve sorta been hankering after by my favourite author ever, Darren Shan. (He got me into reading!). She bought Lady of The Shades and Zom-B. :3 Anyway, she bought them for me because she, and I quote ‘Appreciates what I do around the house, and how I am so mature for my age’

That’s all for now…



I love the summer

Published August 13, 2012 by thatstrangegirls

Hey everyone,

Two days ago, I came back from my 5 day holiday to Cornwall – and I loved it! It didn’t rain, very out-of-character for Cornwall. We stayed in Maisie Motorhome (the OFFICIAL name of dad’s Motorhome) outside my Uncle Paul and My Auntie Jenny’s house. At first, I felt really awkward there, like I didn’t belong, but after a few days it felt like a second home!

On the way there we picked up my cousin Chris, who brought bags full of sweets and other sugary things to munch on for the five hour journey.  When we got there, my 19-y/o cousin Nicola was sprawled out on the sofa, Uncle Paul was outside feeding the chickens (he doesn’t live on a farm, he just owns chickens) and auntie Jenny was in the kitchen cooking Pizza.

We watched movies for the rest of the night and went to bed.

The following day, nat, dad and I went to Gwithian Beach. Nathan sat there, attempting to crab. me attempting to get a tan and dad taking pictures. Afterwards we went to go get an ice cream and into town to get a birthday card and a present for my Gran – the actual reason we were in cornwall – afterwards, we went and bought a Cornish Pasty and nibbled at those on the drive back to our uncle and aunt’s.

The following evening, it was my Grans birthday. Dad set off the motorhome alarm as we were getting in and it didn’t stop for a full twenty minutes. Me and Nathan were in stitches. Eventually, it stopped and we were on our way.

We’re all eating at a Chinese buffet-like place with 20 odd people at our table – all of them relatives! It was a really nice evening chatting, eating and laughing with family I haven’t seen in what felt like forever. The only three people missing were my auntie Leanne and cousins Ethan and Dylan – who sadly couldn’t make it due to some ‘circumstances’ nobody would tell me.  We all then went home and while my brother was on the Xbox, and the older family members were getting drunk as hell, my cousin Nicola, and I, were talking for hours about… anything , really. We chatted about, Jobs, university, her friends, music, concerts, my friends, books, movies, animals, anime, family, the evening and what we were doing tomorrow.

The following day, all the boys had decided that they were gonna go fishing, while my cousins Nicola and I went into Truro shopping. I had no problems with this, I had 30 quid in my bag left of birthday money, and the 15 pound dad gave me. The day went like this: My uncle Paul gave us a lift into Truro, and then went back. We checked bus times so we knew what time to be back by, and then went into the nearest little market-y place. There were tons of stalls but the only thing we actually bought was a surprisingly cheap pic-and-mix. After that, we went into Waterstones, where I bought two books. There was a really chatty and friendly cashier who was sporting a Mockingjay (the hunger games) pin, and numerous over badges. Nicola bought three books – one of them a baby book for her niece (and my second cousin) Robyn. Then into WHSmith (yes lots of book shops) which was actually pretty crap. Everyone at there seemed to be staring at us and it was really weird. Still, we both bought two more books then were on our way. Next stop was boots (I bought eyeliner. Me. EYELINER. I was surprised that I wanted it, and Nicola said she’d show me how to put it on.) and a bottle of perfume. Then we went into a shop called LUSH where a really weird lady (she obviously worked there) said ‘would you like to try our glittery soap? it’s free!” ”Uh… sure?” ”Good!” she grabbed my arm and lathered it in a really gross feeling concution that she then rubbed in to my skin, covering it in golden glitter. I’ll admit, it smelt nice. She did it with both arms, and my cousin got roped into having it done too.

We then stopped and had lunch at Subway (never eaten there, so THAT confused me.) Where a 40-odd woman with a seven year old daughter was yelling about how the drinks machine wasn’t fizzy, even though her daughter was insisting it was. It was quite amusing to watch. We sat down, ate and chatted some more. Then we went into Next (oohing and ahhing at the Thorntons not too far away with a chocolate fountain in the window!) where Nicola bought some more stuff for Robyn, and we took the mickey out of the ‘fashionable’ clothes. Again, a really friendly cashier. Every place we’d been in (other than WHSmith’s) had really friendly staff, we were joking about how the bus driver was bound to be a moody old cow as we strolled over to a bus stop and waited for the bus to arrive. And we were proven wrong! The bus driver was a friendly young man with curly brown hair and green eyes. On the way back we talked about her uni course to do with animals while munching on the Pic-and-mix sweets we bought. When we got back, (nearly missing our stop) we watched Moulin Rouge, and as it finished, the boys all strolled past, grumbling about how they didn’t catch anything (although Nathan nearly whacked dad with his fishing rod!)

The following evening, My cousin Becki, her husband Terri and their daughter Robyn came down to visit, followed by a huge barbeque. It was a really nice evening all in all.

The next day, we had to go home.  It was really sad. I’d miss Cornwall. I always do!

When I came home, I arrived to tons of lovey-dovey messages from him. A message from one of my friends to ‘Hurry up and get home’ and another one telling me about how they had dyed their hair brown in my absence.

and that was my time away!

Farewell for now,


 Gwithian Beach.

me and Nathan at the beach