
All posts tagged first

My first Valentines

Published February 20, 2013 by thatstrangegirls


First of all, I am gonna apologize for how long it took for this blog to be up! My laptop recently died and was only resurrected by my IT-expert of a father. YAY INTERNET.

Anyway, back on topic. Valentines was pretty low-key. I gave him malteasers and a huge card (I don’t know what boys like!), and he gave me these really pretty purple flowers and a box of chocolate. We didn’t make a big deal out of Valentines as we both agreed it was over-commercialized. Plus, our year anniversary isn’t far off, so we’re focusing more on that! But I was surprised by how happy I was over flowers. I’ve never been given flowers by a boy before, and the fact that they came from Him made the whole thing ten times better.  

One of his birthday presents turned up today! One down, one more to arrive! 

My Jack Frost hoodie should arrive soon, too!

I’ve recently gotten over a cold, and he’s recently gained one – from me, probably. I figured it’d cheer him up and go buy him flowers, and give them to him at his house. He jumped when he saw me, and looked really confused. However, I think he liked it. I think. 

It only occurred to me how silly this idea was when he opened the door, but I figured I may as well give them to him anyway. 

I went to science revision, and was pleasantly surprised by how fun it turned out to be. Lots of people turned up too. Our teacher handed out biscuits and even made us all a cup of tea. 

I bought John Green’s book The Fault In Our Stars after reading positive comments about it online, and it’s really good! I’m glad I bought it. I will definitely buy more of his books in the future.  

Well, that’s my life up to now.



So my baby sister is one now… THAT’S SCARY

Published August 24, 2012 by thatstrangegirls


As you can guess by the title, my baby sister turned one! On the twenty first of August. I’ll recap the day for you.

The night before, I stayed up and blew up what must of been fourty balloons, put up banners saying things like ‘birthday girl’ and ‘Happy 1st birthday!’. I woke up the following day, and snuck downstairs, and gave my sister what must of been the biggest hug ever. I twirled her around too. She was having a giggling fit. Fast forward to opening presents time, her dad, mum, my brother and I were the only ones present. (She opened presents from my nan, aunt and uncle a few days before) opened up four-five presents by herself (the presents were wrapped loosely enough that she could just pull at it and it’d rip) and then got all grizzly and went down for an hour nap.

An hour and a half later she opened up the rest of her presents, and was having a blast playing with all of her presents. She got a drum, shakers, a baby guitar, this weird singing thing, clothes, and a ton of other stuff. She looked adorable in the outfit my brother and I picked out for her in NEXT.

Later on, after tons of games of hot potato with a baby (she’s surprisingly good at it), eating cake, baby TV and reading birthday cards, we went to a place called P.L.A.Y. that used to be called Fun Junction (a hugely nostalgic place. I used to go there tons when I was younger. The place hasn’t changed a bit!) all together. Mum, her boyfriend and my sister were all sat in the baby play area; while my brother and I are running around this place. You technically have to be 11 or under to play on the equipment, (if you’re over the age you count as an adult?) but what they don’t know wont hurt them. By the end of the hour we were there, I was sweating like crazy. I haven’t done that much exercise in ages! My sister had an amazing time. Two twin girls called Morgana and Mortricia (amazing names) taught my sister how to climb stairs. My sister now loves to climb stairs – much to my mum’s dismay.

All in all, the day was really nice, and I’d say she enjoyed her first birthday lots!

Yesterday I met up with three of my best friends and had a blast. We went up the park, got lunch from the chippy and ate it on our school bridge, got hyper, ran around, chatted, and got a tiny bit sunburnt. (I’ve never been sunburnt before! It didn’t hurt that much, my cheeks and nose were just a little red, but it went away pretty quickly)

Also… we go back to school soon D: Oh no! I can’t wait to go back to school… not. I miss my friends and Him like crazy, but i’m not looking forwards to year ten… not one tiny little bit. All that pressure and studying? No thank you!

i’ll post again soon!
